This is me fishing for piranhas in the river near Campo Mata. It's the dry season, so the river's not flooding like it was when we were trying to get away from Pablo Malo and his demon dog, Loca, that night. When it floods, the water turns all chocolaty brown and it rises all the way to the trunks of the trees you see on the far banks. Where I'm sitting would be totally under water and the rocks behind me would already be rolling downstream like bowling balls. By the way, piranhas are great in fish stew, which is just about the only easy way to eat them since they have so many bones in them. Also - you probably can't see them in this photo - there are always some caimans lounging in the sun on the sandy beach on the other side of the river. I always keep a careful eye on them 'cuz they like to sneak up on you.
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