Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gators at Night

See all the sparkly lights? Well, they're not stars, and they're not bugs. Those are gators! It's what we Machacas try to stay away from when we're on a night mission in the jungle. There were plenty of them that night at Pablo Malo's plantation, even though the river was flooding a lot more than the one in this picture.

We're pretty good at telling what kind of animal eyes are reflecting off our flashlight beams: gators, anacondas, ocelots, tapirs and capybaras are some that we've seen before. But the ones you absolutely, for sure, never want to see looking at you from the darkness of the jungle are Loca's, Pablo Malo's demon dog. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Final Book Cover

Well here it is, at last! Those artists got it just right. It's bang on. That's me with Mati, my dog. We've just left Pablo Malo's banana plantation where things have heated a little bit, so we're high-tailin' it back through the jungle to meet up with Billy and Todd.

(Just click on the picture to see it a little better.)