These are the Tepuis of Venezuela. According to Mr. Fuller, who's a Geologist, these are some of the oldest rocks on Earth. The Tepuis are way, way bigger and taller than the mesas you see in Arizona. In fact, the tallest waterfall in the world flows right off the top of one of them. It's called Angel Falls. Mr. Fuller told us that the plants, animals, and weather on top of 'em are totally different than the ones in the jungle below the cliffs. The Tepuis are so tall, that the tops of them usually poke out of the clouds.
Anyway, Billy, Todd, Mati and I just got back from our first trip on the annual expedition that my Dad and his Campo Mata buddies go on each year. The adults fish for all kinds of monstrous fish in the jungle rivers, plus they pan the river banks for diamonds. On the first day there, they let us go out on the river with a new guide while they did their thing. Of course - as usual - things got out of hand pretty quick. Before we knew it, we were kidnapped by a band of diamond smugglers and taken to their hideout in the middle of nowhere...smack dab in the heart of the steamy Venezuelan jungle.
Since I'm writing this right now, you know we got away, but it wasn't easy. You'll hear all about that adventure some day soon. For now, we Machacas are going to kick back in our treehouse hideout for a while and lick our wounds.